Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Belly! - 15 1/2 weeks

Baby Bump! ~ 15.5 Weeks (Jan 30, 2013)
Well it's finally happening. My belly is undeniably pooching out (more than usual) and my pants/skirts are more than just snug. Even the ones that were fitting kinda loose just don't fit right anymore. This means that it's time for (the dreaded) first belly photos.

Fortunately, one of the very first things Doug did when we found out that we were pregnant was to research and buy a really nice camera so that he could take pictures of the baby. He's been practicing using it for weeks, and now he'll get to use it on me! This Sunday we're hoping to take a little trip up to Muir Woods, a beautiful redwood forest just outside the city. Normally the trails there are packed with tourists and city-dwellers, but since it's Superbowl Sunday we're hoping to miss the crowds. Hopefully it will be a good opportunity for nice pictures!

My 2nd trimester ultrasound is February 22nd. We'll hopefully find out the sex at that point. Everything is still sailing smoothly along. I've been much more active in the last couple of weeks now that my energy is back. I tried to run a bit but my bladder just can't take the bouncing, so I have to be content with long walks.

Fortunately it's not too difficult to find places to walk here in the city. Last weekend Doug and I walked up into the nearest "real" neighborhood, Protrero Hill, which is less than a mile away. They have a lovely park and community garden at the top of the hill, which overlooks the city skyline. There's also a nice Whole Foods, a few schools, and nice playgrounds. If we have to move to a larger apartment and we can't stay in our current building, we'll probably move up there.

Friday, January 25, 2013

A new blog for a new life!

Hello everyone! We've created this blog because we live so far away from family and friends, and we want to share our latest adventure with you: we're expecting a baby in July 2013!

So far the adventure has been relatively boring, so we've waited to start this blog. Sandi is about 15 weeks along (just into the 4th month and out of the "danger zone" of most common miscarriages), but there's really not much to see. Doug is very excited and has been researching what we'll need for Baby like crazy.

Please bookmark our blog and keep checking in to see our latest updates. Thank you for sharing our adventure!

~ Doug and Sandi
Baby! ~ 10.5 weeks