Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Flutters and Swoops - 16 1/2 weeks

I can definitely feel my little hamster-sized creature moving around in there now. At my first ultrasound at 10.5 weeks I saw Baby wiggle like it was doing the boogie, and it rolled around a bit at my second ultrasound at 12.5 weeks, but it was too early to feel anything. I've been pretty sure I could  feel movement for 10 days or so, but I also accepted that the feeling could have been gas or my own muscle twitches. Nope, it's definitely Baby.

Every now and then I feel a good strong swooping feeling, which I imagine is the baby rolling and twisting. And the muscle-twitch feeling is definitely a thump from a hand or a foot or a head. It's not an uncomfortable or even particularly strong feeling, but I'm sensitive so I'm aware of it most of the time unless I'm walking or moving around. I keep thinking that if Baby is this active at 16 weeks, how bad is it going to be at 30-40?!

I remember when I was something of a "horse midwife" and I'd stand next to a mare and feel the foal bouncing and kicking away at her flank during the last few months. Sometimes the mare would grunt with a particularly well-placed thump. I think I might be in for a foal-like baby. Oh dear.

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