Monday, February 11, 2013

What's in a name? ~ 17 1/2 weeks

I've noticed that some expecting parents have asked friends and family to contribute ideas for baby names, and in some cases don't settle on a name until several days after the child is born. Doug and I have already chosen names, which we'll share with everyone once the baby is born. We'll share the sex as soon as we find out -- about 10 days from now -- but you'll just have to wait on the name.

In case you're feeling unfairly excluded from our naming process, you should know that long before we were married, Doug and I had already decided on a name for a girl child, if we ever had one. It took us a little bit longer to settle on a name for a boy. I had thrown one outrageous boy name out there just to be silly: "Constantine Bob" Puett. Doug was lobbying hard to name a boy something "awesome" out of Beowulf... like Hrothgar. I wasn't too excited about either comforting my poor bullied son or dealing with the results of his warrior-like exploits, should he live up to that name.

In the end we settled on two names which sound "just right" to both of us. Both first names are not uncommon in Scotland and Ireland, but they're fairly rare in the US. They are the names of characters in a story that's dear to both Doug and me, and our story. The girl's middle name was once quite common, and based on a character from a book; the boy's middle name is unusual, historically significant, and actually an obscure family name from Doug's family.

So there you have the story of the names!

In other news, nothing much new is happening. When I'm sitting still I can often feel Baby bouncing and scooting around in there, but it can't be felt on the outside of yet. My belly still isn't pooching out all that much, unless I eat a really big dinner, and I'm just generally thicker than usual through the middle. The books say that Baby is the size of a green Bell Pepper and that the whole pregnancy is about the size of a canteloupe.

That just makes me hungry. I need a snack.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Since I'm not really adept at this computer thing, I deleted my comment by mistake. I was commenting on my agreement of the decision not to share the name of the baby. On the off chance anyone would disagree or make suggestion as to what the name should be & why, this eases that problem. It will be fun to choose our own names when we learn the sex of this blessed child & see how we compare with the actual name when the time arrives to hear it from the proud parents. Gramma W

  2. While I love that you guys have chosen not to share the baby's name, after reading your descriptions of you chosen names, I'm DYING to know what they are, (or at least what books they're from). haha! -Jade

  3. Sorry Jade, we cannot tell her name until she's here! Your mom keeps sending me guesses. It's pretty funny, and she says she's having fun, so more power to her! I don't think we ever shared the story that gave us our naming ideas, but we probably will when she's born.
